Thursday, July 14, 2011

Snap away!

I am taking a break from my power cleaning...
(kids are at daycare, we have company coming this weekend... hence the cleaning frenzy.)

I was just perusing Facebook and came across an article at a website I frequent 
This made me think.
Recently I've been wondering who I am when it comes to my photos.  
I'm a little discouraged, because I'm surrounded by some really great photographers!  
Truly truly... check out my two co-workers blogs!  Stunning photos I tell ya!
I look at mine, I look at theirs, I look at mine, I look at theirs...
Theirs just has a special something, that I don't always feel in the shots I take.  

However, I love to look back at the photos of my children.
I like putting them into "year in review" books. 

I guess that's who I am.  
I like taking snapshots of my daily life.  
Not all perfect in composition and effect.
Not great lighting, a bit out of focus.. 
but to me, this is my life and I'm happy that I will have
these images to look back on when my kids are older.
And on occasion, I just might get that picture that gives me a little tingle!
So I'm gonna keep on snapping away!


  1. Oh Ana-how sweet of you to mention me but I think you do a great job! I've actually been feeling the same way about my photos! We all have our own style and that's what makes photography great. It's hard not to compare isn't it? Besides, we are doing it for ourselves right? To document who/what we love most. Having fun doing it is what is most important! :)

  2. You're pictures are always fun Ana! Love them and love you :)

  3. Oh Ana! You are too sweet to mention me, but I think YOU are fantastic. You do an amazing job of capturing your two little cuties and your family, not to mention a lot of other families too!! And your year in review books are amazing. Really. So keep doing what you are doing! xoxo


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