Friday, September 24, 2010

rainy, blustery, headed-back-to work kind of day

I woke up in a pretty foul mood this morning.  I hate these Fridays.  This long stretch of work is a killer and I'm almost sick by the end, just from missing my loves.

But then I had a cup of coffee and got a GREAT morning kiss and snuggle from Lila.  The day started to look up.  Then I walked into Ellie's room to find her wide awake, bright-eyed, with a big smile on her face.  Getting better!  THEN I remembered that this stretch of 6 out of 7 days is actually only 5 (I took a vacation day for our anniversary) AND I will get double pay on Sunday night because of my birthday!

Okay, now I feel better!
up on her knees, getting so strong!
Sitting up all by herself!

The girls and I have had a pretty low-key day, but it's been nice.  It's so darn windy, I don't feel like taking them out.  So we've been just doing the random odds and ends around the house that need to get done before I head back in to work tonight.   Laundry, dishes, vacuuming (until I sucked up something and now it doesn't work, boo).  You know, the usual. We have also sang songs, played Mr. Potato Head, and read books!  Lila tormented the dogs by chasing them around with her shopping cart, and Ellie and I worked on some floor time!  She's getting so strong.  Just today I was amazed that when I left her on the floor, she can get herself up on her knees!  She also is getting really good at sitting up by herself!   Literally, that happened overnight too!
Playing in the Mr. PotatoHead bucket!
"Mom, I'm bored
The Boone!
Anyway, I'm going to lay down and rest until the girls get up from naps, Happy Friday to all of you who get the weekend off.  And to the rest of us... well, guess I'll see you at work.

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