Thursday, April 12, 2012

Backing Up: Egg Dying and Easter morning

I had a handful more photos I wanted to share from when the girls colored eggs and from Easter morning.  
Egg dying was not a smooth process and I think next year we'll simply stick to stickers and crayons.
Multiple bowls of coloring solution near young children is a Bad idea.
I repeat:  BAD IDEA.
Moving on...
I loved  watching the girls in all their enthusiasm over finding eggs and everything they discovered in their Easter baskets! 
 Each holiday is a little more exciting as they get to an age where they can really understand whats going on!  So much fun!

~Easter Morning~
She was stuffing Jellybeans in her mouth faster than you could pick em' up! Ha!
Jellybeans in a Dora container... What could possibly be better?!

and because we thought it was funny...  a few pics of the critter we encountered on our way to church!
Tom was just taking his Easter morning strut!

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