Monday, March 12, 2012

A quiet moment

Two little girls.
Quietly watching a movie together.  
Sitting in their special little spot they've created, sharing a blanket
and talking to each other like good friends.

This was a moment that melted my heart.  I captured a little of it on video.
Lila brushing Elle's hair with her hand and asking her if she felt ok.
(Elle's been a little under the weather lately)
So precious!
In the craze that has been our life lately... this was like a cool drop of water!

I've been a little absent from the blogging.  
With work, and work around the house... not to mention two young'uns...  well,
things have been a little nuts.
We've made some amazing progress on our basement, but it's been a TON of work.
I've got to give Ryan most of the credit there, as he's done most of it, but I know my time is coming...
I'm going to pick up primer and paint today!

It just feels like it's a never ending flurry of STUFF to do.
I realized the other day, I have pictures from Christmas that I haven't even sorted through.
I take pictures (far less than I would like), and when I get a chance, I load em on the computer.
But that's where they sit.  Untouched.  
Just don't have the time to get to them. :(

I have a 3 day work week starting tonight, then my glorious stretch off!!!
It won't be any vacation... I see lots of grunge clothes and paint splatters in my future,
but it's time to be home.  With my family.  Hoping for one of those quiet moments to pop up.

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