Saturday, October 5, 2013

Severs Corn Maze

Last Sunday, Ryan and I passed up a quiet day alone for the chaos of Severs Corn Maze with our family! 
His parents had watched our girls over the weekend, so we could spend some
always appreciated alone time together to celebrate our anniversary. 
When we found out Sunday morning
that they were going to the Maze and meeting Ryan's sister, Kim and her family,
we decided it would be a good day to spend outside!!

It was a lot of fun, and both Lila and Elaina had a BLAST! 
I was very much ready to go, when the time came, and we ended up with two very cranky
 and tired girls for the rest of the day, but... that's what happens sometimes!

If you have never been there, you should definitely check it out. 
It's a large area over by Canterbury Downs, and there is lots of things to do and see. 
A large pillow/trampoline thing to jump on, petting zoo, not 1 but 2 corn pits,
apple and pumpkin launchers, pig races, pony rides, and of course... The Maze. 
Actually, there was enough, that we didn't even do it all... the runts were just too exhausted.
(Mom and Dad were too!!)  Check it out...

I took a zillion pictures, so heres a random (large) handful!
Hello Glasoe's!
Lila got pretty good at the rope swing in the corn pit
Elle needs a little practice
She is pretty darn good at the monkey bars though, especially for a 3 year old!
Goofy little monkey
Ridiculously overpriced Camel rides...
"look Mom, NO HANDS"
Overpriced for sure, but the girls were ecstatic!!!!
The camel looks a little less ecstatic

Attempting to watch some pig racing!

Me and the best Mother In Law in the world!!!
Enjoying her corn dog!
Feeding the Kangaroos
Pooped out in the corn maze
4 hours was quite enough ;)

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